Reflections on a year with the LMC
Written by Dr Gillian Montgomerie (Central cluster rep)
We’re busy enough as GPs without creating more work for ourselves by joining the LMC – right?
Well, as I approach the end of my first year on the LMC, yes, I could do without the after work meetings and more emails that being on the Committee brings but I do think it has prepared me better for my work in General Practice especially with the challenges we have been faced with during the pandemic.
It has been a good way to keep connected with colleagues from across the Borders particularly at the time when other meetings have been suspended (TIME and Cluster work). GPsub meetings which take place bi-monthly are a platform to develop these relations with our secondary care colleagues.
Being on the Committee helps me keep abreast of changes in primary care. This has been hugely important in the past year with so many changes in the way we work related to COVID and lengthy discussions on vaccine delivery and remobilisation of services. PCIP has been the other big topic consuming most of the Committee time and it has certainly been advantageous being able to contribute my thoughts and share any concerns with the Executive team as things develop.
It’s not been as intimidating as I thought it might be! People do want to hear my opinion and contribution is very much encouraged. It has satisfied my desire for self development, challenged me beyond my day-to-day clinical work and I feel that I am contributing by representing my fellow GPs.