About Us

What we do

The LMC provides leadership for the GP community in Borders to support the delivery of primary care medical services. We work with local doctors and practices to ensure working conditions and environments are optimised to be mutually beneficial to both patients and GPs. The LMC has a role to provide professional advice and support to members whilst informing members of developments relevant to the profession. The LMC utilises local networks to represent the collective views of the GP body in decision-making about service provision when it is likely to impact on GP workload or services. The committee respects the diversity of the GP community and the unique nature of each practice.

A key function of the LMC is to provide advice regarding general practice to the wider NHS Borders organisation. The committee is responsible for being the voice of GPs in raising issues with the Board. Members of the committee are responsible for negotiating with NHS Borders in matters related to GP remuneration and conditions of service. We also negotiate income streams for practices to perform additional services beyond the core GMS contract. Business associated with GP premises ownership, dispensing or other specialist areas may also fall within the remit of the LMC.

Borders LMC forms part of a network of LMCs across Scotland and the UK under the auspices of the British Medical Association (BMA). See the link below for further information.

Representatives from Borders LMC also participate in the annual Scottish Local Medical Committee (SLMC) conference. The LMC is invited to submit motions for debate at the conference. The outcomes from the SLMC conference determine the priorities for SGPC business for the year ahead.

The LMC has a single seat at the Scottish General Practitioners Committee (SGPC) of the BMA that represents GPs nationally across Scotland. For more information about SGPC, please see the link below.


Meetings We Attend

In order to perform our role, LMC members attend the following meetings to represent colleagues.

  • GP Sub Committee
  • Area Medical Committee (AMC)
  • PCIP Executive Committee
  • Local Negotiating Committee (LNC)
  • DMARD / SLA review meeting
  • Regular Meetings with Medical Director
  • Premises Group
  • Information Governance Group
  • Clinical Interface Group
  • Area Clinical Forum (ACF)
  • Integrated Joint Board (IJB)
  • Data Sharing Review Group

In addition to the above, the LMC represent our GPs at national level by participating in activities related to :

  • Scottish Local Medical Committee (SLMC) Conference
  • General Practitioners Defence Fund (GPDF)
  • Scottish General Practitioners Committee (SGPC) of the British Medical Association (BMA)
  • Scottish and UK LMC Secretary events