LMC Peer Support to Colleagues

This update aims to provide further information around the offer of LMC support to colleagues.

The LMC will try to provide advice and guidance to colleagues on a variety of issues including:

–       Contractual matters
–       Disputes between the practice and the Health Board
–       Premises issues
–       Raising concerns about patient safety
–       Concerns related to colleague welfare
–       Health related problems


The LMC also aims to provide support to colleagues subject to enquiry around performance related matters at either a local level or with the General Medical Council / Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service.

The above list is not exhaustive so please approach a member of the Exec team to see what assistance can be offered. If a member of the LMC is unable to help directly then we can usually help to signpost colleagues to organisations or individuals who can assist.

Once initial contact has been made, we will discuss with you the best way to proceed. The LMC will treat any information provided as confidential and with sensitivity.

In the first instance, please contact the LMC Secretary or any other member of the Exec team. It would be helpful if a preliminary, brief outline of the issue(s) could be provided along with an indication of the help that is being requested from the LMC. The completed form will be reviewed by the Exec team to identify the best member of the LMC to assist. The LMC cannot guarantee a specific named individual to respond to queries so this should not be requested by colleagues.

Borders LMC is a small LMC with finite resources. The LMC will aim to provide as much assistance as possible to colleagues in need but this may be limited. We will aim to discuss the type and level of support with you and keep you appraised of our situation.

We are here to help to please reach out to us to ask about what we can do to help.

Borders LMC

Author Borders LMC

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